Embark on a journey...
Join the captivating world of „Leif’s Adventure,“ an indie game that promises to take you on an unforgettable quest filled with action, exploration, and enchanting storytelling. This epic journey for both Steam and Nintendo Switch invites gamers of all ages to immerse themselves in a captivating fantasy realm. Read on to discover why „Leif’s Adventure“ is a must-play title and how it stands out in the gaming landscape.
"A love letter to the 2D-action-adventure genre with deep mechanics and couch co-op for everyone."
What does it take to be a hero?
Find out in this hand-crafted indie-action-adventure about friendship and the challenges of life!
Leif and his sidekick Ghost must combine their strength to overcome the evil of the Netherworld. Along the way, they’ll learn that friendship is the key strength in this story-driven, co-op action-adventure game.
Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero Release Trailer
Features Gallery:
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Leif’s Adventure combines deep action-adventure mechansim with a unique two-character system. Use the abilities of Ghost and Leif and work as a team to overcome all obstacles. Equip your character with weapons, potions and armour, talk to the inhabitants of this magical world and help them to help you find a way back home.
Play Two Characters
Combine the skills of two totally different characters!
Coop Mode
Switch between singleplayer and coop mode at will.
Upgrade Your Character Skills
Learn more traversal and fighting skill.
Equip Your Arsenal
Mix and match over 50 weapons with a lot of armor sets, potions and more!
Explore Huge Worlds
Six huge worlds are waiting for you to be explored.
Engaging Gameplay:
"Leif's Adventure" offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that appeals to a wide audience. Players assume the role of Leif, a brave adventurer on a mission to save their village from an ancient evil. With challenging puzzles, thrilling combat mechanics, and a vast open-world to explore, the game delivers hours of immersive entertainment.
Captivating Storyline:
Set in a richly crafted fantasy world, "Leif's Adventure" boasts an enchanting storyline that unfolds as players progress through the game. Engage with intriguing characters, encounter mythical creatures, and unravel secrets that shape the fate of the kingdom. The game's narrative-driven approach keeps players invested in the protagonist's quest, fostering a deep emotional connection with the story.
Stunning Visuals:
Featuring stunning hand-drawn artwork and mesmerizing visuals, "Leif's Adventure" is a treat for the eyes. Every location within the game is thoughtfully designed, showcasing breathtaking landscapes and detailed environments. The artistic style complements the game's narrative, creating a seamless and visually pleasing experience.
Versatility on Steam and Nintendo Switch:
"Leif's Adventure" offers the flexibility to play on both Steam and Nintendo Switch platforms. Whether you prefer gaming on your PC or on the go with a handheld console, the game accommodates your preferences. Seamlessly transition between the platforms and continue your adventure from anywhere, ensuring you never miss a moment of the action. Leif's Adventure also runs on the Steam-Deck!
The Heads Behind Leif's Adventure:
Roman Fuhrer
OneManOnMars Founder and the Creative Mind behind Leif's Adventure
I’m glad you found your way here. Leif’s Adventure has been my heart’s project since I started planning it in 2016. Since then I’ve been working hard on the implementation of all ideas, be it game design, graphics, story, animations or all the managment duties that come allong of beeing an enterpreneur. I even learned how to program to make my dream of a game for the Nintendo Switch and Steam come true. I hope you enjoy playing Leif’s Adventure – why don’t you just try out the current demo? And although I started this project alone and did a lot of things on my own, nothing works without the right support. Some friends have helped me make Leif’s Adventure and I’m especially glad to have Jan and Patrick help me on this journey.
Jan Schaumlöffel
LTT Bird // Sound Design
Jan joined the project as a freelancer quite early on and helped defining the sonic vision of the game. His work includes asset creation, implementation via audio middleware FMOD and audio programming.
Patrick Henschel
Unity Developer and Engineer
Additional help came from the freelancer Patrick, he joined the project a bit later but whenever code gets complicated he is the one to make Leif’s Adventure do what it should and keeps the code proficient and fast.
Shop Yourself Some Fantastic Merch!
Whether you fancy a new t-shirt, a hoddie or a mug for your morning coffee. I have it all for you. Choose your design and apply it to the merchandise you like best. You’ll be supporting the development of Leif’s Adventure! Thank you very much!